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ART SHOWCASE: Nina Hagen, the Godmother of Punk

Born in 1955, in the East Berlin German Democratic Republic, Nina Hagen was destined to be a splash of color and noise inside the bleak, gray, and sterile communist state.

What caught the attention of the audiences early in Nina's career, weren't exactly her striking looks, but the amazingly theatrical quality of her voice. From the age of nine she studied classical ballet, and was already considered an opera prodigy, being a soprano. Knowing her talent, she used this to differentiate herself in a rising punk scene, mixing up raw vocals with beautiful operatic sounds. Her voice expands through 3.1 octaves, D3-F6.

nina hagen in her early days

After visiting London and becoming acquaintances with big punk bands like The Slits and The Sex Pistols, she returned to Germany and formed the Nina Hagen Band in 1977. By the 80's she had gained recognition not only for her musical styles, but for her wild appearance and wild personality that came out in interviews and tv appearances.

nina hagen wild makeup

Unlike many artists of the time, Nina didn't stick with a look that would become "her look". She wore big wigs, hair extensions, dyed her hair all the colors of the rainbow, and experimented with her makeup, grabbing inspiration from many things that surrounded her.

Earlier in her career, we can see how glam rock has a lot of prominence in her look, especially when it come to glitter and bright eyeshadows; during the 90's, she would become immersed in indian culture, specifically in Hare Krishna culture, and would wear a bindi and indian inspired clothes; later on, Nina would take on a more gothic look, wearing mainly black, dying her hair black, and using occasional pops of color.

Her looks became unpredictable and exciting, and many artists would later use her as inspiration for their own punk aesthetics. What could be expected, was bold, bright, and in your face, always.

What's most interesting to me, is that age has never defined her. She didn't become dull and boring as time went on. She always embraced her artistic self, and her originality. Nina Hagen doesn't obey trends, she does whatever she wants, still do this day.

Which is why Nina Hagen is the art showcase of today. Nina has done everything: she's had soft looks, full face paint, glamorous looks, sharp edges, every single color of the rainbow, blended, unblended... She's a great example of how makeup can become the ultimate punk statement, and the greatest artistic outlet; and how you don't need to be a certain age to kick ass! She's in her 60's now, and still embraces a dark, bold, extreme look.

Nina Hagen has become an icon, not only of punk, but of individuality, originality, and what it means to be an artist. So, kids, be like Nina Hagen and never stop kicking ass and serving looks.

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